
44. White on Black

I'm still feeling swirly. :) So I made some use of it and created a somewhat swirly star to place in the middle of the four triangular canvases I made a few weeks ago (and which are now hanging on my wall). Just a black square was too boring. Now it's a black square with a white star:

I used a white pencil and a white watercolour pencil which is a bit stronger to highlight some parts.

And here's the star surrounded by its friends:

The problem with photographing these colours is still not solved... Oh, well, I suppose I'll have to enjoy them on the wall, not on the screen. ;)


  1. It's beautiful! I can't wait to see it live =)

  2. Love your project! And other than the comment on your page, I could not tell English isn't your first language! Keep the stars coming :)

  3. Where did you come up with the design? That design is almost identical to the one on my ceiling. weird.

    1. Hm, if I remember correctly, I just sat down with a piece of paper and a pencil and started doodling swirls until I had a design I liked. :)
      I suppose some ideas do plant themselves in several different minds... ;) Do you have a picture of that design of yours somewhere?
