
33. A Three-Generations Star

17 people from 5 different places and 2 amazing days of fun!

I went to Southern Germany to meet with a part of my (extended) family. Our weekend contained a lot of laughing and singing, hiking and geochaching, gemstones, sweets, stars, and taking pictures - and generally a whole lot of fun. Those people are truely awesome!
Saturday night, when everybody was exhausted from a somewhat crazy card game, I tried to revitalise people by putting something into practice which had been suggested before: a star of people lying on the ground. 3 generations got up (and then down) to do this:

1st Generation: my great aunt.
2nd Generation: my mother.
3rd Generation: 3 of my second cousins, my sister, and a friend who is an exchange student from Australia.

Great job you guys! I'm especially proud of you for lying down on the cold stone floor for this one! ;D (I only just now realised how much I appreciate those patterns on the floor.)

P.S.: a little bonus
Idar-Oberstein, the place where we were staying, is famous for its gemstone work so you could buy all kinds of different stones at every corner. However, I saw stones that were cut like stars only twice throughout this weekend - one of them at our youth hostel:

A rock crystal which is not quite flawless, but that makes it all the more interesting to me.


  1. Ohh, that's very cool!!! I don't know if I could mobilize my family to do something like that!

  2. Yay, it actually looks quite good!
    And my face is invisible *YES!!!* XDDDD

    This is just a perfect picture for our weekend, thank you Sis!!
    I really enjoyed the time and this is a lovely little keepsake - yet again. Just what would I do without your star-photos? ;]

