
38. A Twin Star on the Mountain

I went on a hiking trip today with two very good friends of mine (Hi Tina & Verena! :D) and we had a grand time!  By the time we reached a large clearing up on the mountain, the sun had finally broken through the clouds and we celebrated this with a little dance around a huge lime tree (linden tree) and a bit of acrobatics on the meadow. That's when I made this star:

Normally, it's my mother's signature to make this kind of star photo in all kinds of places. (Though she calls it a starfish because the first time she did it was in front of a beautiful sunset at the Pacific Ocean.)

After we had taken the picture, we realised that there was actually a second star - my shadow on the ground. :)

1 comment:

  1. Huhu, Schattenbilder sind doch immer wieder toll <3
    Hier im übrigen ein kleiner Blogeintrag, den ich gefunden habe und der dich vielleicht inspirieren könnte: http://rehkoenigin.blogspot.com/2011/10/12-von-12-bdayedition.html =)

    Liebste Grüße!
