
Just a girl who will grow a year older throughout this project, and who enjoys those times when she suddenly gets creative.

I still haven't decided whether I'm one for such challenges or not.

I cannot live without chocolate.

Neither can I live without music.

I believe even my soul has taken on a shade of purple by now.

Well, I never thought I would end up a blogger... seriously. But I somehow need to make arrangements to encrease my chances of actually going through with this idea of a challenge. I figured this would be the easiest way to document everything and keep it all together - whatever form the individual projects may assume.
So, here I am.
With a blog.
Oh my...

Ah, one more thing: English is not my first language - no matter how much I love it.  I apologise in advance for any mutulation… :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lilalen,
    I was fascinated by your Mercedes-Benz´ three-points-star you made from alluminium in 2011. For me, a young boy from former Czechoslovakia, such a star represented some decades ago a symbol of a perfect, but probably never accessible beloved German car MERCEDES, which for me a "Symbol von Vollkommenheit und Eleganz immer war und auch ist". So, this star had for me a similar importance as for the Catholics the crucifix! That´s why I had decided to bastle the Star by myself, having used for it different kitchen utensils and available rubish, with a similar result as the yours logo! Thank you, thus, Lilalen, for reminding me my childhood...
    Best regards from
    Prague, e-mail: jpetrickova@upcmail.cz
